The newly titled "Dragon's War," is the upcoming sequel to the epic fantasy of "Dragon's Blood." In this book the narrator, Vizas, picks up right where she left off in the first story, bringing you back into the era where monsters and magic are very much alive and coexisting with humanity.
Aidan, Liegar, Skylet, and all the other loved characters from the first story will be back for this next installment, but the grand scale of things will be heightened as many of the "cameo" characters will be taking on bigger roles, impacting the world, and the famously known, Dragon Child.
To start off, Vizas dives into Dragon's war maybe two years after the conclusion of the first story, where the entire population, both man, and so called "Half-Breeds" are working to rebuild their lives after the chaotic battle against the infamous Green-Eyed Dragon. I am finding this story to be much more humanized in the sense that there are a lot more gray areas of morality in this adventure, where the first book was much more black and white. (Evil monster threatening the planet, all must band together to stop it. Good vs. Evil.) "Dragon's War" is much more focused around the issues between humanity and the many other races that exist. It touches base on some of the things heard of in the first story as far as Half-Breeds being shunned and cast out of society. Something that was overlooked in the first story when everyone was simply running for their lives. Now, everyone is trying to claim their own home, their old land that they left behind. Lines are drawn, sides are taken, and unfortunately for the main character, Aidan, many of his friends and loved ones choose opposite sides and he is forced between them in an attempt to stop the inevitable conflict and bloodshed that will follow.
There's a new way of doing things, a new path to take, and sadly, this time, the "right" path is not so clear.
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